Saturday, February 27, 2010


All the forms on, stem and bow pieces need to be planed down,
then its ready for the wood!
The internal stem pieces are used to make
the front and back of the boat stonger. So the boat doesn't fall
apart when you are building it, and make it stronger when you hit
a rock :D

The forms are all bolted to the strongback. All the wood was shipped in the strongback, so its very easy to get started. Just unpack the stuff and start
bolting it together.

Staples out!

All the staples are pulled out, once the bow and stem
pieces are glued on it will be ready to sand and fiber glass.

Stripping the hull

It took 9 hours to stip the hull, 4 thursday 5 friday.
Half a gallon of glue and about 1000 staples!
Me after I finished stripping the hull 10:00 pm

Almost done! 9:30
Getting close at 9:00

Starting the second half 8:00

Fist half done! 8:00

Starting the first half

The white strip is on the water line.

Everthing done in this picture is above the water line.